Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fresh Morning Rain

As I STILL struggle with making time to stop and spend time with God, I also find myself struggling with my week. Yesterday was a pretty down day for me.  I was super tired and had a headache, but was also met with some emotions that I can only classify as down in the dumps.  I blame myself because of my lack of stopping.

Anyways, this morning I was able to share an unplanned moment with the Lord. I had just put Kaylee down for a nap and was coming back to the living room to check the internet quick when I noticed the sun beaming into the room. (It had been dreary out so far this morning much like my attitude yesterday.) After noticing the sun, I looked out the window to see the most beautiful light refreshing rain fall.  Trust me, I usually don't call rain beautiful. Rain usually makes me feel as depressing as it looks.  Today, however, the rain was so beautiful in the glistening sun.  I scanned the sky for a rainbow and did not see one, but I watched the rain fall, bringing some of the neighbor's leaves to the ground with it. Such a beautiful display of God and His glory to me this morning.

Thanks Lord!

May you find time with Him today.  I hope to!

Joyful Moment of the Day: Kaylee and I played together this morning.  I really needed to do housework, but instead spent time playing with her teddy bears and blocks.  We had a great morning together.

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