Thursday, July 5, 2012

Moment's Like These

Seasoned parents always tell us new parents that later on we will miss these days when our children are young. At these moments I want to laugh and say, "uh, yeah right!?!" Endless diapers, whining, and "NO!". Constant dependence on me. It is tiring.


Then there are moments like these:

-Ella carries her bear over to me, backs up towards me, and sits on my lap cuddling her bear and bouncing her feet.

-Kaylee crawls up on to my lap, wraps her arms around me, lays her head on my chest, and simply holds me.

-Ella starts giggling like crazy about nothing.

-Kaylee sings about what she is playing with.

-They fall asleep in the van.

-Ella spins around in circles.

-Kaylee gives Ella hugs and kisses for no reason.

-Ella smiles at me when I look at her.

-Kaylee wakes up afraid and needs me.

-They play together.

-Ella wants me to cuddle with her.

-Kaylee wants to help me cook.

-Ella signs "please" when she wants to sit on the couch with me.

-Kaylee wants me to paint her nails.

-They dance together.

-Ella gives me a big hug and kiss.

-Kaylee wants me to hold her hand in the van.

-Ella holding her hand out to me because she doesn't like that it is dirty.

-Kaylee making faces back and forth with me.

-They laugh and laugh for long periods of time.

These are the moment's that make me say, "Oh yes. I know. I will definitely miss these days." These are the moments that I cherish and know that they will be gone in a blink on an eye. With every stage, I am sure there are moments like these. Special moments that one day I will miss as a parent and other moments that I will be glad are over. In the mean time, I will savor the good things in this stage and enjoy them while I can. Because some day I will miss them.

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