Friday, August 16, 2013

Dear Baby

Dear Baby,

As I sit here relishing the tumbling going on inside of my womb done by your sister, I think of you. It is natural for me to think of you right now. If you were the one inside of my belly, it would be about time for you to make your appearance. My bag would be packed. Our house would be covered in baby items. Totally prepared for your arrival.

My heart hurts this evening. Not just for the days that I will not get with you, but also for all of the other Momma's out there that have endured the same heartache and tragedy of losing their baby. Those first moments that are so special that we miss out on. That first adorable smile. Your first little giggle. The first tear. Your first tooth. The soft baby skin and smell. The way your feet kick as you get excited. The way your hand wraps around my finger.

And while those things will never come to be between you and me, my sweet baby, I still ponder them in my heart.

Missing you makes me long for the day when I can see you in Heaven. When I can wrap my arms around you. And see you with Jesus.  These things make my heart smile.

My dear sweet baby, I love you so much.

You will always be a part of me.


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