Saturday, September 7, 2013

He's Already There

This summer Adam and I attended the Faith Stories Class that our church offers on Sunday mornings. Basically people come and share their testimonies and then there is small group discussion questions for each table to talk about.

One particular Sunday stands out to me far more than others.

"He's already there."

The lovely woman sharing her testimony was talking about the struggles that she had faced and how it dawned on her that time is nothing to God. He is everywhere and knows all. Nothing shocks Him. He is with me now and He is already with me in the future.

This summer has been very trying for me and my walk with God. I have been groaning out to God about - well a little bit of everything. Things that I just did not understand. And my exhaustion of dealing with it all.

But that one phrase stuck with me.

Krista, He is already there.

Last night this phrase hit me when I was thinking about our house that we have a contract on. It is so much nicer than the house we originally wanted. Nothing needs to be done or fixed up. And it is a beautiful home. 5 years ago Adam and I tried to get a house that was one street over from where we live now. The lady that owned it had flipped it and it looked great, but she would not budge on price. Adam and I simply could not pay what she wanted so we had to walk away. A few days later I found the exact same house one street over, but the basement was finished. A repossession. One that we could fix ourselves the way that we wanted. For a much better price. If we had stretched ourselves thin and bought the one we wanted originally, we would not be making any money on that house now. We would actually be losing money. And so we would not be able to afford the house that we are currently buying.

He was already there.

It is a difficult phrase to swallow when you are walking through that rainstorm without an umbrella or raincoat. To simply trust Him and say, "God, I know you are already there." It is something I have had to remind myself over and over again.

Even now when the sun is trying to peak through the clouds.

He is already there.

This song is called Already There by Casting Crowns.
I heard it a few days after hearing her testimony.


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