Monday, March 26, 2012

Message From the Future - Check

List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.

1. Do not worry about what others think about you. 15 years from now, you will only communicate with those people through a program on the internet called Facebook.

2. Dating is a waste of time. You have some wonderful friends, hang out with them more and save dating for when it matters, which is when you are old enough to consider getting married. It is not worth the heartache you will have later. Just wait.

3. Listen to your parents. They are so much wiser than you and have a ton more life experience than you. They know better than you. They may seem annoying to you now, but trust me, if you listen to them now you will be better off.

4. Enjoy highschool. Be in plays. Do your best in choir. Enjoy the freetime!

5. Try out for things you never thought you would be good at. Get out of your comfort zone. Cheer leading. Dance team. Sports.

6. Keep that fire for Jesus burning! Continue your prayer group and Bible study. They will help you set a healthy lifestyle for yourself so that when you are older, praying and reading your Bible come more naturally.

7. Practice on the basketball hoop outside more because in college you will play basketball and you do not want to look like a fool.

8. Spend more time with your brother. He is pretty awesome and one day you will regret wasting all those years when you were not friends. Sing together while you can because one day you will live far apart and you will not be able to do this very often. You will miss it.

9. As soon as you can, buy a hair straightener. It will change your life for the better. And your hair for the better. (Look at the fluff.)

10. I will not tell you much about your future spouse, but he is amazing. And he saved his first kiss for you. Men like this do exist and he is very much worth the wait. Save your kisses for him. Save everything for him. You will be so glad that you did. He is going to make you very happy.

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