Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Skimming my old instagram pictures prompted me to think about how much I LOVE being a Mom. Sure, it has it's ups and downs just like everything else in life, but overall I would not trade it for anything else in the world. Here is my TOP 10 REASONS I LOVE BEING A MOMMA:

1. Snuggles - Let's face it, nobody snuggles like a child. Those little pudgy arms wrapped around your neck, squeezing as if life depended on it. Their head rested on your chest and their heart pumping slowly because they are so secure at that very moment in your arms.

2. Compliments - Since words of affirmation is my love language, I gladly will take a compliment any day. My Kaylee is an awesome compliment giver. "Thanks for dinner, Momma, I loved it!" "Good job on going potty, Mom!" Ella's compliments are usually full of grunting and then followed by a giant hug.

3. Hugs and Kisses - From their first slobbery kisses to their big smooches on my cheek once they learn how to do it the right way. From the "I have a boo-boo hug" to the big bear hug. I love them all.

4. Teaching New Things - It is so fascinating how quickly that they learn and grow. Kaylee's vocabulary grows daily and Elanor amazes me in how grown up she plays. It is fun when they pick up on new things. (Unfortunately, they pick up on not so good behaviors as well.)

5. Play Time - I love watching the girls play. They run around the house making messes and pulling out toys I forgot we even owned. They hold hands and run down the hall together. They are sweet friends and I love to see that!

6. Dance Parties - Dancing around the house used to be pretty boring when I was working the moves by myself while Adam was at work. Now I have two little buddies to dance around with me. Our favorite dance is The Interlude. One of my friends thinks it is pretty lame, but she hasn't seen my girls do it. They make it the coolest dance on the planet. Hands down. Here is the original video if you have never heard of it before.

7. Singing - Singing with and to my girls is one the many highlights of the day. It really goes hand in hand with the dancing because when we start singing, we start dancing. I know I have told you to check out For King and Country before and that you might be tired of hearing about them, but they are awesome. And I love that the girls sing along and ask for specific songs by name.

8. Cooking - My girls love to cook! Anytime I start getting bowls and pans out, I hear little feet running to the kitchen to see if they can help. It is so much more fun to have little helping hands!  

9. Clothes - Who knew getting dressed was so much fun? I really enjoy picking clothes out for the girls which is funny because I have never really cared much about clothes for myself as long as I am comfy. But with my girls, they are like having LIVE Barbies. SOOOO FUN! :0)

10. Reading - I have always enjoyed reading.  It relaxes me and gives me an escape. While we tend to read the same books over and over, I enjoy every second of reading to my girls. I love when they get their books and come climb up on the couch with me and we all read our own books. Such a blast!

What are some of your favorite things about being a Momma/Daddy?

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