Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Charlotte's Birth Story

On Monday when I woke up pregnant, I knew it was time to call my doctor and change my Tuesday appointment to an induction if possible. My contractions had been coming consistently for over 2 weeks and were waking me up most nights making sleep impossible.

We arrived at the hospital at 7:30 am and we were immediately taken to a room.  I'll be honest. It was so very strange going to the hospital in order to have a baby versus going because I was in labor. Come to find out though that my morning discomfort was actually contractions that were 8 minutes apart. Once they had me hooked up to all the monitors and had my IV in, they checked me and I was 5 cm dilated already. The nurses said that if I had stuck to my normal appointment that afternoon, the doctor would have sent me over to the hospital to deliver anyways.

At 8:30 they started me on the lowest dose of pitocin. This made my contractions slightly closer together, but I don't feel like they really turned painful until the doctor broke my water about 30 min later. From that point labor moved quickly. We tried to play a game, but labor became so difficult that we were not able to finish the game before the baby came. Around 10:40 I started feeling some pressure to push, but after asking the nurse when they were going to check me for dilation again I decided that maybe I was wrong. 15 minutes later I was certain that I was getting close to pushing and asked the nurse to check me. She checked me and I was 9 cm. They quickly brought in the doctor and prepared for delivery. As soon as the doctor arrived she checked me to make sure that I could push and I was at 10 cm. 3 pushes later and Charlotte Faye entered the world. 

And she is beautiful. I love her.

Charlotte Faye 11/12/13 Born at 11:08 am. 8 pounds 11 ounces 21 inches

1 comment:

  1. I love this- I feel like I'm primarily reading extremely detailed angst filled birth stories, where woman are upset about pitocin and epidurals & their Doctor's advices.

    Charlotte is beauty.

    Manda from
    Eat Cake


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